姓名 | 嚴子陵 |
職稱 | 教授 |
學術專長 | 二十世紀德國與奧地利文學、現代雕刻與建築空間理論及其文學上之表現、偵探小說、經濟與文學、馬克思主義 |
研究室 | 文薈樓J603 |
分機 | 901 |
yanziling103@gmail.com | |
學歷 |
授課科目 | 英美戲劇選讀、英詩選讀、西洋文學概論、英文報告寫作、英文作文(一) |
授課課表 | https://phpweb.nutn.edu.tw/www.english/t6.htm |
Yan Zi-Ling. “Paratextual Framing Devices in Frederick Davis's Operator #5 Novellas” Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture, Fall 2021, Volume 20, Issue 2 .
Yan Zi-Ling. “Women, Economics, and Sherlock Holmes’s Gift-Labor.” Intergrams, vol. 18, no. 2, 2018.
Yan Zi-Ling. “Spatial Representation in Three Detective Fiction Subgenres.” Concentric, vol. 44, no. 2, 2018, pp. 115-143.
Yan Zi-Ling. “‘The Millstone of His Own Likeness’: Photography as Disclosure, Concealment, and Correspondence in Detective Fiction.” Sun Yat-Sen Journal of the Humanities 41 (2016): 75-96.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Mastery and Mock Dialectic in Thomas Bernhard’s Correction.” Concentric 36.2 (2010): 103-26. NSC #098-2410-H-024-017 .
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Lines of Sight: Perspective in Thomas Bernhard’s Korrektur.” Modern Austrian Literature 43.3 (2010):39-53.
Salyer, Jeff. “Serra’s Indiscipline: Neutralization and the Site of Tilted Arc.” Concentric 35.1 (2009): 229-260.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “From Materialist Feminism to Chodorow’s Mothering: Economy, Energy, and Expenditure.” NTU Studies in Language and Literature 19 (2008): 1-33.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “A Critique of Fried’s Understanding of Theatricality in ‘Art and Objecthood.’” Drama and Fiction 18.2 (2008): 53-77.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “‘Ihr Untergang muß neu erfunden werden’: Uses of Allegory in Botho Strauß’s Schlußchor.”Soochow Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 25 (2007): 1-29.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Deleuze, Difference, and Multiculturalism.” Journal of Foreign Language Instruction 1 (2006): 83-100.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Bourget Framed: Re-reading Hofmannsthal’s Der Tor und der Tod.” Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 27 (2006): 43-58.
Yan Zi-Ling. “Detective-Magicians and the Paranormal.” PCA/ACA Conference. 17-20 Apr. 2019, Washington, D.C.
Yan Zi-Ling. “The Pulp Detective-Magician.” PCA/ACA Conference. 25-31 Mar. 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
Yan Zi-Ling. “Representations of Space in Anglo-American Detective Fiction.” Contested Modernity: Place, Space and Culture. 27 May 2017. Taipei, Taiwan.
Yan Zi-Ling. “The Floor Plan in Anglo-American Detective Fiction.” PCA/ACA Conference. San Diego, CA, 12-15 April, 2017. MOST #105-2410-H24-003
Yan Zi-Ling. “‘The Millstone of His Own Likeness’: Photography as Disclosure, Concealment, and Correspondence in Detective Fiction.” Plenary Speech. EALA Conference. Tainan, Taiwan, 31 Oct., 2015.
Zi-Ling Yan,“The Detective as Intellectual in Classical, Golden Age, and Hard-boiled Detective Fiction.”PCA/APC Conference. New Orleans, LA(USA), 1-4 April, 2015.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Towards the Pathological Gift: Calculation and Expenditure in Detective Fiction.” Special Session, “The Gift of Literature.” MLA Conference. Seattle, WA, 5-8 Jan., 2012. NSC #100-2410-H-024-023
Slayer, Jeffrey W. “Value and Clue: From Restricted to Token Economies in Major Detective Story Sub-Genres.”PCA/APC Conference. San Antonio, TX, 20-23 April, 2011.NSC #099-2410-H-024-010
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Towards an Engaged Pedestrianism.” 無國界.台南之味 MASA. 13 Oct. 2010.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Reflections on the Cogito and Ego in La Rochefoucauld’s Maximes” 陸軍軍官學校83週年校慶基礎學 術研討會. 25 May 2008, R.O.C. Military Academy. Feng Shan, 2008. 97-109.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Practical Aspects of Drama Productions for University Students.” 2007應用戲劇/劇場國際研討會跨文化的對談. National University of Tainan, Tainan. 1 June 2007.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Work and Play: Economics, Literature, and Detective Fiction.” 陸軍軍官學校83週年校慶基礎學術研討會. 1 June 2007, R.O.C. Military Academy. Feng Shan, 2007. 52-67.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Western Drama.” R.O.C. Military Academy. Feng Shan. 10 May 2007.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “The Medieval Perspective.” 大英博物館收藏展教師研習營. National University of Tainan, Tainan. 19 Jan. 2006.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Methodological Considerations for Western Civilization Courses in the Taiwanese University Classroom.” 實踐大學管理學院第五屆(學術暨實務研討會). 21 June 2002, Shih Chien University. Taipei, 2002. C3-1-C3-14.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Ramifications of the Cartesian and the Pascalian Moi.” 實踐大學管理學院第四屆(學術暨實務研討會). 9June 2001, Shih Chien University. Taipei, 2001. C1-1-C1-14.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Staging the Uncanny: Peter Handke’s The Moment of True Feeling.” 實踐大學管理學院第三屆(學術暨實務研討會). 10 June 2000, Shih Chien University. Taipei, 2000. C3-1-C3-26.
Economic Investigations in 20th Century Detective Fiction: Expenditure, Value, and Labor [Ashgate](April 2015)
NSC # :「美國偵探小說系列(1934-45)裡看似邪惡的偵探」2019/8~2020/7
MOST #107-2410-H24-002: “Magic and the Paranormal in Golden Age Detective Fiction,” 2018/8-2019/7
MOST #106-2410-H24-001: “The Detective Magician in American Popular Literature, 1935-1945,” 2017/8-2018/7
MOST #105-2410-H24-003: “Representations of Space in Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Detective Fiction,” 2016/8-2017/8
NSC #102-2912-I-024-502 in support of Charles Rzepka, November 23-30, 2013
NSC #102-2410-H-024-030: “Representations of Intellectuals and New Class Professionals in Anglo-American Detective Fiction, 1880-1946,” 2013/08-2014/07
NSC #101-2912-I-024-502 in support of Carl Freedman, November 17-24, 2012
NSC #100-2410-H-024-023: “Economies of Detective Fiction 2: Token Economies, Gift, Labor, and Sign,” 2011/08-2012/07
NSC #100-2912-I-024-003 in support of Marshall Brown, April 9-15, 2011
NSC #099-2410-H-024-010: “Economies of Detective Fiction: From Golden Age to Hardboiled,” 2010/08-2011/07
NSC #098-2410-H-024-017: “Space, Architecture, and Surveillance in the Novels of Thomas Bernhard,” 2009/08-2010/07
NSC #097-2912-I-024-002 in support of Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, April 7-17, 2008
NSC #096-2912-I-024-001 in support of Steven Shaviro, May 20-27, 2007
NUTN Research Office grant: “Site, Discipline, and Control in Thomas Bernhard’s Correction and Yes,” 2008/01-2008/08
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “The Limits of Form.” 實踐大學今日生活 367 (2002): 73-77.
Salyer, Jeffrey W. “Against Discipline: The Wider Scope of the Humanities.” 實踐大學今日生活 362 (2000): 70-73.
Yan Zi-Ling. Après le livre: Un enquête sur André Gide. Dir. Ambre Fuentes. Fondation Catherine Gide, 2016. Film.