姓名 | 柯昭蓉 |
職稱 | 副教授 |
學術專長 | 電腦輔助語言教學、跨文化溝通、外語口說/寫作訓練、外語學習心理、質性和量性研究方法 |
研究室 | 文薈樓J623 |
分機 | 921 |
kocj@mail.nutn.edu.tw | |
學歷 |
授課科目 | 多媒體輔助英語教學, 跨文化溝通, 讀寫教學, 科技英文, 觀光英文 |
授課課表 | https://phpweb.nutn.edu.tw/www.english/t10.htm |
Ko, C.J. (Accepted). Exploring high-context EFL learners' communication behaviors and social presence in online cross-cultural communication. Taiwan Journal of TESOL. (THCI)
Ko, C.J. (2022). Online individualized corrective feedback on EFL learners' grammatical error correction. Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal. (SSCI, Scopus)
Lin, C. Y., Huang, C. K., & Ko, C. J. (2020). The impact of perceived enjoyment on team effectiveness and individual learning in a blended learning business course: The mediating effect of knowledge sharing. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 126-141. (SSCI, Scopus)
Ko, C.J. (2019). The communication behaviors/styles of online users in cross-cultural exchange. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, Q. Ma, & J. Lee (Eds), Social CALL – Proceedings of the 2019 CALL Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp.134-137).
Ko, C.J.(2019). Teaching and learning of primary children's literacy skills through distance modes. In Proceedings of the PAAL Conference, Japan (pp. 1-6).
Ko, C. J. (2016). The effect of task types on foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC), JALT CALL Journal, 12(2), 103-122.(Scopus)
Ko, C. J., Thang, S. M., Ou, S. C. (2014). Investigating the ICT needs of ‘digital natives’ in English learning at a Taiwanese university, International Journal of Web-based learning and teaching technologies (IJWLTT), 9(2), 32-45. (Scopus)
Ko, C. J. (2012). ‘Can synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) help beginning-level foreign language learners speak?”, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(3), 217-236. (SSCI, Scopus)
Ko, C. J. (2012). A case study of Taiwanese French as a foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous CMC, ReCALL, 24(1), 66-84. (SSCI, Scopus)
Ko, C.J. (2023). 'Authenticity in an ESP Tourism Course: from localization to internationalization', presented at the 2023 International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA, Taipei, October, 2023.
Ko, C.J.(2023). 'EFL Learners' perceived IC gains through online intercultural communication in an EMI course', presented at the Pedagogy and Practive in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL 2023) Conference, Kaohsiung, June 2023.
Ko, C.J.(2022). ' The effect of online corrective feedback reception on EFL learners' grammar knowledge learning', presented at the 26th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL, 2022), Japan, August 2022.
Ko, C.J.(2021). 'Communicative behaviors in online intercultural communication', presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL, 2021), Cnam and Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France, August 2021.
Ko, C.J. (2019). 'The communication behaviors/styles of online users in cross-cultural exchange', presented at the 2019 CALL Conference (CALL, 2019), Hong Kong, Hong Kong. August, 2019.
Ko, C.J. (2018). ‘Teaching and learning of primary children’s literacy skills through distance modes’, presented at the 23rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL 2018), Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan, August 2018.
Ko, C.J. (2017). ‘Development of an effective writing system’, presented at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association Language Teaching for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JALTCALL 2017), Matsuyama University, Shikoku, Japan, June 2017
Ko, C.J. (2015). ‘The utility of task types in social presence enhancement in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)’, presented at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association Language Teaching for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JALTCALL 2015), Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, June 2015
Ko, C.-J. (2015). The provision of feedback types to EFL learners in synchronous voice computer mediated communication. In F. Helm, L. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds), Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 312-317).
Ko, C.J. (2014). ‘The provision of pronunciation feedback types to EFL learners in SVCMC (synchronous voice computer mediated communication)’, presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL, 2014), University of Groningen, Netherlands, August, 2014
Ko, C. J. (2013). ‘The impact of task design/types on foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)’ , presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL, 2013), University of Évora, Portugal, September, 2013
Ko, C. J. (2010). ‘Beginner-level FFL learners’ oral proficiency development in synchronous CMC’, presented at The Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning Conference (GLoCALL 2010), University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, December, 2010
Ko, C. J. (2010). ‘A case study of Taiwanese French as a foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous CMC’, presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL, 2010) , University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. September, 2010
Ko, C. J. (2010). ‘Motivation in synchronous CMC: a case study of beginner-level FFL learners in Taiwan’ , prsented at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association Language Teaching for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JALTCALL 2010), Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan. May, 2010
Ko, C. J. (2011). Motivation in synchronous CMC: a case study of beginner-level FFL learners in Taiwan. In E. Forsythe, T. Gorham, M. Grogan, D. Jarrell, R. Chartrand, & PP. Lewis (Eds.) CALL: What’s your motivation?, pp. 27-34. Nagoya: JALT CALL SIG.
2014/08~2015/10, “The utility of task types in social presence enhancement in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)”, NSC (103-2410-H-110-015-)
2013/08~2014/10, “The provision of pronunciation feedback types to EFL learners in SVCMC (synchronous voice computer mediated communication)”, NSC (102-2410-H-110-021)
2013/02 ~ 2014/01, ‘The impact of task design/types on foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)’, NSC (102-2410-H-110-001)
Ko, C. J. (2010). Early-stage FFL in Taiwan: a case study involving L2 oral proficiency, motivation and social presence in synchronous computer-mediated communication. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.
Ko, C. J. (2005). Computer mediated communication in a foreign language classroom: the impact of online cultural learning on the acquisition of a foreign language.
Unpublished Master Dissertation. Toronto University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ko, C. J. (1998). Pourquoi les enfants immigrés d’Asie du Sud-Est en France apprennent le chinois qui n’est pas forcément leur langue maternelle? Quelle est leur motivation?
(為什麼在法國的東南亞移民學童要學習不是他們母語的中文?他們的學習動機為何?) Unpublished Master Dissertation. University of Paris V, Paris, France.