

Name Li-Hsueh Hsieh
Job Title Professor
Academic Expertise English Teaching and Learning, Discourse Analysis, English Teaching Assessment
Laboratory Room J652
Ext 953
  • Ed. D. Applied Linguistics, Columbia University, U.S.A.
Research Applied English, Introduction to Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, English Teaching Materials & Methods, Second Language Acquisition, Selected English Readings in Taiwanese Culture, Pragmatics, Journalistic English, Ads in English, Language & Culture, Child

Hsieh, L. H. (2017, December). College students’ perception of the effects of ads in English. K.U.A.S. Journal of College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1), 105-135. 

Hsieh, L. H. (2017, June). Exploring undergraduates’ self-introductions in written and oral discourse. Journal of Professional Teacher, 13, 37-58.

Hsieh, L. H. (2013, April). Effective linguistics learning through a task analysis of authentic materials. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 16(2), 161-200. TSSCI

Hsieh, L.H. (2011, November). Empowering cultural literacy through course design and Internet resources. STUT Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 159-193.

Hsieh, L.H. (2011, July). Factors in using workbooks and/or worksheets for English classroom assessment. Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly, 14(3), 199-238. TSSCI

Hsieh, L.H. (2010, June). Student perceptions of an English Teaching Materials and Methods Course. Journal of Foreign Language Instruction, 4(1), 47-67.

Hsieh, L.H. (2010, January). The effect of song teaching on undergraduates’ English learning attitude and achievement. Educational Linguistics Forum, 1(1), 20-43.

Hsieh, L.H. (2009, June). Effectiveness of a cooperative project on analyzing common culture. TMUE Journal of Language and Literature. 1(2), 65-89.

謝麗雪、周宜瑾(2008,九月)。國際文教交流之反思。國教之友,59(4), 21-29。



Hsieh, L. H. & Hsiao, Y. P. (2006, June). Understanding non-English major’s self-assessment of English oral ability. Kaohsiung Normal University Journal, 20, 91-112. (NSC 93-2411-H-024-005-).

謝麗雪(2006,一月):猜謎語活動的執行與改進之道。國教之友,57(1), 3-12。

Hsieh, L. H. (2004, June).   Reflections on a biweekly English teaching practicum. Kaohsiung Normal University Journal16, 365-384.

Hsieh, L. H. & Hsiao, Y. P. (2004, June).   On the background and assessment perception of elementary school English teaching in Kaohsiung County . Journal of National Tainan Teachers College 38(1), 237-261.

謝麗雪、蕭雅萍 (2002):國小實施英語口語評量之初探。教育研究月刊101,82-89。

蕭雅萍、謝麗雪 (2002):自我評量-利用反思捷進英語口說能力。師友月刊421,37-40。

謝麗雪 (2002, June):國小英語教學實習課之可行模式。台南師院學報35,181-207。

謝麗雪 (2002):如何協助兒童英文寫作。ABC Interchange13,1。

謝麗雪 (2001):兒童英文寫作的啟發。ABC Interchange11,1。

Hsieh, L. H. (2001). An evaluation of six children's  ELT  videos. Journal of National Tainan Teachers College 34, 249-266.


Hsieh, L. H. (1999). A lesson plan: Teaching with travel brochures. 語文教育文粹,205-206。 

謝麗雪 摘譯 (1999):如何成為說英文故事的高手。 Ellis, G. & Brewster, J.(1991). 摘譯自Chapter II & III of  The storytelling handbook for  primary teachers.  New York : Penguin Books. 班級經營4(2),11-19。

謝麗雪 (1998):從開放國小英語教學談師資培訓。國教之友50,20-24。

謝麗雪 (1997):學生教學示範問題面面觀。人文社會學科教學通訊(雙月刊)46,80- 91。 

謝麗雪 (1996):探究CAN一字的用法。人文社會學科教學通訊(雙月刊)40,31-50。 

Hsieh, L. H. (1996). Comparing the Chinese lexeme ‘Pian’ with ‘Kuai’.  Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature, 2, 103-115. 

Hsieh, L. H. (1995). An analysis of Chinese classifiers used in a translation task. Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature1, 17-36. 

Hsieh, L. H. (1995). A study of Chinese written discourse on teacher-student interaction.  Hwa Kang Journal of Foreign Languages & Literature, 1, 219-236.

Hsieh, L. H. (2016, December). Needs analysis of undergraduate perception of English presentation. Presented at 2016 Conference on ESP (English for Specific Purposes). Kaohsiung: Language Education Center, General Education Center, Fooyin University.

Hsieh, L. H. (2016, December). Exploring undergraduates’ self-introductions in written and oral discourse. Presented at 2016 International Conference on TESOL and Translation. Changhua: Department of English, Dayeh University.

Hsieh, L. H. (2016, November). Understanding undergraduate perception of an oral presentation task. Presented at 2016 Language and Language Teaching Conference. Pingtung: Department of Modern Languages, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology.

Hsieh, L. H. (2013, November). Exploring superstition belief through a task. Selected papers from the twenty-second international symposium on English teaching (pp. 280 - 288). Taipei: English Teachers’ Association-ROC.

Shen, T. C., Guo, Y. R., Hsieh, L. H., & Leou, Y. M. (2013, November). The global education content of elementary and junior high school English textbooks: A cross-strait comparison. Presented at 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes Program. Taichung County: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Asia University.

Hsieh, L. H. (2013, April). Analyzing reflection on a love-themed task. Presented at 2013 Aletheia Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Cross-Cultural Studies. Taipei: Department of English, Department of Applied English, Department of Applied Japanese, Aletheia University.

Hsieh, L.H. (2012, November). Thematic montage: Is the mere assignment sufficient? Presented at 2012 The Twenty-first International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Taipei.

Hsieh, L.H. (2012, May). The effect of giving all-English lessons to college students’ listening comprehension and willingness to communicate. Presented at the 29th International conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C. Taipei: Chinese Culture University.

Hsieh, L.H. (2012, April). Using an analysis task to facilitate linguistics learning attitude. Presented at 2012 ALLT International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching. Taipei: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Hsieh, L.H. (2011, March). Empowering cultural knowledge through historic site reports and website resources. To be presented at the Soochow University Foreign Language College Convention in 2011. (2011年東吳大學外國語文學院語言文學與文化學術研討會). Taipei: Soochow University Foreign Language College.

Hsieh, L.H. (2010, October). Undergraduates’ attitudes and performance demonstrated in a standardized English proficiency test. Paper presented at The 4th Conference on College English. Taipei: National Chengchi University.

沈添钲、謝麗雪、柳雅梅 (2010, May)。華人社會國民中小學英語教科書內涵之比較研究。「華人社會國民中小學教科書政策及內涵整合型計畫」成果發表會,台南大學。(NSC 98-2410-H-434-006–MY2)

謝麗雪、沈添钲、柳雅梅、郭以人(2009,十一月)。兩岸國小英語教科書字彙內涵之比較。台灣教育學術研討會。新竹教育大學。(NSC 97-2410-H-434-006– MY2)

Hsieh, L.H. (2009, May). The impact of song teaching on college students’ English achievement and learning attitude. The Proceedings of Curriculum and Instruction Conference on Language and Literature (pp. 247-272). Chang-hua: Min-Dao University.

Hsieh, L. H. (2008, May). A linguistic analysis of undergraduates’ Engagement with popular culture. Presented at The 25th Conference of English Teaching and Learning in R.O.C. & 2008 International Conference on English Instruction and Assessment. Min-hsiung, Chiayi: National Chung Cheng University.

Hsieh, L. H. (2007, November). Factorization of developing recruited English teachers. In Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp.245-254).  Taipei : Crane. 

Hsieh, L. H. & Huang, Y. C. (2006, November). Teacher growth from effective factors of a remedial classroom practice.  In Selected Papers from the Fifteenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp.398-407).  Taipei : Crane. 



Hsieh, L. H. & Hsiao, Y. P. (2005, December). Understanding students’ self-assessment of L2 oral ability. Presented at 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong . (NSC 93-2411-H-024-005-).



Hsieh, L. H. (2004, November). Cooperative teaching in elementary classrooms: Cases of success versus failure. In the Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp.404-413).  Taipei : Crane. 

Hsieh, L. H.(2004, June).  Rationales for using workbooks and / or worksheets: Perceived in a written corpus. In the Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C. (pp. 49-64). Taichung County : Chaoyang University of Technology. 

M.P. Chou & L.H. Hsieh (2004, May). A phonological analysis of speech errors in a Taiwanese variety show. In the Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (pp.547-562). Taichung County : Providence University .

謝麗雪 (2004,三月):一個國中英語夏令營之檢討研究。2004國際應用英語教學研討會暨工作坊論文集(頁275-286)。台北:文鶴。

Lin, D. G., Yeh, Y. C., & Hsieh, L. H. (2003, December). The relationship between commercials and children's English acquisition. In the Proceedings of APAMALL 2003 and ROCMELIA 2003 (pp.295-312). Jaiyi University , Taiwan : Taipei , Crane.

Hsieh, L. H. (2002, June). The relation between college students’ English learning and teaching motivation.  Paper presented at   the 19th    Conference on English Teaching & Learning in the Republic of China.  Taipei : Shih Hsin University .

Hsieh, L. H. & Su. M. H. (2001, December). The effect of implementing “all English day”.  Paper presented at the International Language in Education Conference 2001 in the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong .

Hsieh, L. H. (2001, December). Community English teaching practicum: A case study. In the Proceedings of Tamkang International Conference on TESOL: Methodology and Pedagogy in the Age of Globalization (pp.239-256) . Tamshui: Taipei   County .

Hsieh, L. H. (2001, November). Community English teaching practicum.  Paper presented at the PAC3 at JALT 2001 in Kokura, Kitakunshu , Japan .

Hsieh, L. H. (2000, November). Evaluating ELT Video from practical experience.  Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Taipei .

Sun, H.W. & Hsieh, L. H. (2000, November).  A survey of opinions about phonics textbooks.  In the Proceedings of the Conference of   ELT  Curriculum for Young Learners in East Asia (pp.147-156).  National Taiwan Normal University : Taipei .


Hsieh, L. H. (1999, April).  Evaluation of an English teacher training program.  Paper presented at Tamkang University Conference on English Teacher Education.

Hsieh, L. H. (2011, Feb.). Correlation among self-perceived English proficiency, professional development beliefs, and willingness to teach English among prospective teachers in Taiwan. Taipei: Bookman.

Hsieh, L. H. (2008). The effectiveness of peer assessment in promoting undergraduates’ English speaking proficiency. Taipei: Tunghua. (ISBN 957-483-476-X) (NSC 93-2411-H-024-005-).


謝麗雪 (2003,十二月):九年一貫英語評量使用現況初探。收錄於九年一貫課程教與學叢書--語文、數學與綜合活動(頁50-63)。台南師院實習輔導處編印。

Hsieh, L. H. (1999). Evaluation of English teacher training program.台南:供學社。

Hsieh, L. H. (1993). A study of Chinese sortal classifiers: Sociocultural and cognitive aspects.  Unpublished doctoral dissertation. New York : Teachers College, Columbia University .

郭秀盈(2013). Exploring students’ culture concepts through belief in taboo and superstition. (NSC 102-2815-C-024-003-H)


沈添鉦、謝麗雪、柳雅梅(2008八月-2010七月):華人社會國民中小學英語教科書內涵之比較研究(NSC 97-2410-H-434 -006 –MY2)

國立 臺南大學95學年度教學卓越計畫—分項計畫四:國際化菁英培育計畫中之子計畫(1.國際學術交流研究計畫;2.語文課程與教學精進計畫)(2006,八月--2007,七月)




Hsieh, L. H. (2004). A study of self-assessment, peer-assessment and scoring criteria on undergraduates’ English speaking skills. (NSC93-2411-H-024-005-).





第七屆敦煌全國大專盃英文書評競賽【進階組/大學】優等獎(2013 May)

名次 學校系所 得獎者姓名 指導老師
優等獎 國立臺南大學/英語系 楊若吟 謝麗雪