

Name Chao-Jung Ko
Job Title Assistant Professor
Academic Expertise Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Learning,Foreign Language Productive Skills (Speaking/Writing),Foreign Language Learning Psychology,Cross Cultural Communication,Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
Laboratory Room J623
Ext 921 or 851
  • Ph. D. in Applied Linguistics, the University of Edinburgh, UK
Website Teaching Reading and Writing, English Classroom Management, Tourism English (2), Discussion and Debate, Introduction to Phonology

Ko, C. J. (2016). ‘The effect of task types on foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)’, JALT CALL Journal, 12(2), 103-122. 

Ko, C. J., Thang, S. M., Ou, S. C. (2014). ‘Investigating the ICT needs of ‘digital natives’ in English learning at a Taiwanese university’, International Journal of Web-based learning and teaching technologies (IJWLTT), 9(2), 32-45.   

Ko, C. J. (2012). ‘Can synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) help beginning-level foreign language learners speak?”, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(3), 217-236. (SSCI) 

Ko, C. J. (2012). ‘A case study of Taiwanese French as a foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous CMC’, ReCALL, 24(1), 66-84. (SSCI)

Ko, C.-J. (2015). The provision of feedback types to EFL learners in synchronous voice computer mediated communication. In F. Helm, L. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds), Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 312-317).

Ko, C. J. (2011). Motivation in synchronous CMC: a case study of beginner-level FFL learners in Taiwan. In E. Forsythe, T. Gorham, M. Grogan, D. Jarrell, R. Chartrand, & PP. Lewis (Eds.) CALL: What’s your motivation?, pp. 27-34. Nagoya: JALT CALL SIG. 

2014/08~2015/10, “The utility of task types in social presence enhancement in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)”,

NSC (103-2410-H-110-015-)

2013/08~2014/10, “The provision of pronunciation feedback types to EFL learners in SVCMC (synchronous voice computer mediated communication)”,

NSC (102-2410-H-110-021)

2013/02 ~ 2014/01, ‘The impact of task design/types on foreign language learners’ social presence in synchronous computer mediated communication (SCMC)’,

NSC (102-2410-H-110-001)


Ko, C. J. (2010). Early-stage FFL in Taiwan: a case study involving L2 oral proficiency, motivation and social presence in synchronous computer-mediated communication. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.

Ko, C. J. (1998). Pourquoi les enfants immigrés d’Asie du Sud-Est en France apprennent le chinois qui n’est pas forcément leur langue maternelle? Quelle est leur motivation?(為什麼在法國的東南亞移民學童要學習不是他們母語的中文?他們的學習動機為何?) Unpublished Master Dissertation. University of Paris V, Paris, France.